Monday, November 4, 2013

Thoughts about this new(ish) school year

Whoops, haven't blogged in quite some time! And since How I Met Your Mother is waiting for me on the DVR, this probably won't be too long.

So hope everyone's school year is going well. Mine is going all right. Today, the second rotation of arts classes started. Our students rotate between four different arts offerings, and each lasts about eight weeks. I always have mixed feelings about new groups coming in.  On one hand, it's nice to have a fresh start, but then it means starting all over again! By the time the fourth rotation comes around, I have to admit I'm usually a little tired of the routine. But I don't want to complain. At my former position, I taught the same group of middle school kids for the entire school year, and that is really, really long, especially for that age group. It's nice to let them try a little of everything throughout the year.

I've started taking guitar lessons. My 7th graders take guitar for their music curriculum. While I've been able to get by all right, I always felt that my skills were lacking and that my students could benefit if I just knew more about the instrument. It's been really fun, and is totally going to help me this second time around. I'm looking forward to focusing a lot on chords with them, which is something I haven't done. We've done mostly melody with a few chords mixed in. However, my hubby and guitar teacher have a point when they remind me that most guitarists end up playing rhythm guitar, not being soloists! So I'm looking forward to getting these kids to rock out a bit more, with of course a little Ode To Joy and such mixed in.

I've become a little more invested in my teaching lately, and it seems to be helping both my actual lessons and my mental health. You see, I think I got a little burned out from my previous position. I really threw myself into that job, spending countless hours and energy building up a program that was taken away from me after only 5 years. So when I started my current job, I told myself I wasn't going to do that again. I would do what I had to do but not go crazy with extra things.  And I definitely followed my own advice, and now feel like it's time to step it up a little bit, because really, my job is the most important part of my life right now. Yes I have my hubby and my kitty and friends and outside commitments, but let's face it, we spend most of our time at our jobs. And I don't think I'm the kind of person that can clock out every day as soon as I'm allowed and still feel like I'm doing everything I can.

Hopefully part of that will be maintaining this blog! Maybe I'll start putting up some lesson plans and stuff...not that I want people to steal my ideas...but every now and then I come up with something kinda cool, and I'm sure people would benefit! In fact I'm hatching the idea for the first "informational" blog now...

Monday, July 8, 2013


Well here we are...summer time! I'm still in the lovely phase of summer where I am loving the weather and the freedom. I haven't hit the crazy part where I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything and need to do various things to feel valid and important.  So, hooray for that.

I obviously don't have much teaching-related stuff to blog about, although I am teaching some private lessons this summer. I thought it would be good to stay involved in school somehow, plus I have projects at school that NEED to get done. It's just hard to push myself to get in during the summer and get the stuff done.

I must complain for a moment about my knee. I recently re-discovered my love of running. I used to run a lot - even did a marathon in 2008. That really wiped me out and I sort of took awhile off - just running here and there, no real training. Then a few of my friends decided (under the influence of copious amounts of wine) to run a half marathon this spring! So I trained for it, and I did it, and it was excellent of course. I of course decided to sign up for another one in the fall! Yay, right? Well, for some reason or another, my left knee has decided to be a huge jerk and have random pain. I took two weeks off but it really didn't seem to help much. It's so frustrating, especially because I forked out some big $$$ to run this race AND I can't get an appointment with a specialist until August! AHHH! So now I'm forced to NOT run when I have all the time in the world to. Of course I'm so stubborn that I'm just going to run anyway...but not very much. Walking is fine but it's just not the same.

Hmm, not much else to report! I've listened to a few auditions for the choir I sing with over the past week or so. It's great to be involved with that process, and it's always interesting to hear singers from around the area. Auditions are so nerve-wracking, no matter how old or experienced you are. I feel so bad for some people who just cannot seem to calm down or think clearly during the process! Of course I'm sure I'm the same way.

Well I'm sitting in my awesome backyard being eaten alive by bugs, so I should probably turn in. Since it's summer, I'm sure I'll be blogging a lot more. My millions of readers will enjoy it, I'm sure. :)

Monday, March 25, 2013


I apologize in advance if I seem whiny or attention-seeking...I really don't mean to.  (Of course you also don't have to read this if you don't want to!) Some of these thoughts have been going through my mind lately as it's been All-County time and I'm spending time with other music teachers and, as always, comparing myself to others.

I seem to be struggling a lot lately with confidence in my abilities as an educator and voice teacher. Since it's been All-County time for the past few weeks, and it has made me contemplate the idea of ever conducting at a festival like that, and how I would be simply terrified. And that makes me sad, because I'm sure at some point I used to think I would love to do something like that!  And it's not just that.   I just really miss looking forward to choral rehearsals. I miss doing fun exercises and games with the kids. God I hope it gets better with time.

I just get so down on myself about teaching, to the point where I wonder if it's worth it. Even when I teach privately, I'm worried that I'm missing something big that the kid is doing wrong, or that I'm not covering the basics well enough. I am such a WORRIER. And maybe it's better to be a teacher who is concerned instead of a teacher who really doesn't care, but what if the concern is holding me back?

The thing is I know that I'm a good musician and a good singer and a good person, and all three of those things should make for a darn good teacher...but I just don't think I'm there...and I want to be! What can I do to become more confident? Is it getting more experience? Watching others and getting some new ideas? Even if I do get all those things, will I ever really feel like I'm doing a good job, or will I always worry and second guess myself? I would love to sit in a meeting with other teachers and feel confident enough to count myself as an equal...but I'm definitely not there yet.

Seems like a good first step would be to remind myself what my strengths are, and try to go from there...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chorus woes

So, I love singing, as clearly indicated by the name of this blog. In fact when I went to college I didn't even really know what I wanted to do. I just knew I loved music and I loved to sing. More specifically, I love singing in a choir. I don't even understand people who don't love it as much as I do. It's basically the greatest thing you can do with your time, and I would feel like the greatest person in the world if I could get my kids to feel the same way.

But sadly I have found that in my current position, I don't like, ok, I despise the choral program. I rarely look forward to teaching either of my two choirs (5/6 and 7/8). This is partially due to the schedule and mainly due to my lack of ability to teach this age group.

The deal is I don't get to see my choirs very often. So all of the things that I LOVE doing - fun warm-ups, sight-reading, activities to help us read the music - I feel like I have no time to do any of it because it's just soooo important to get ready for the concert. I find myself just pushing them through to learn the notes and memorize the songs in the little time that we have. And as a result, my rehearsals are lame and unfulfilling and the kids are not learning a darn thing about reading music or vocal technique - two things that are essential to being in a choir!!!!!!!

It's to the point where I'll be sitting in one of my own choral rehearsals and find myself thinking about my students and how they are not getting nearly as much out of Choir as they could be and that I'm depriving these kids of a great experience. (I know it sounds dramatic but that's really how I feel!)

The thing that's hardest for me is the younger kids. I forget sometimes that for most of them, this is the first time they've been in a Chorus. They don't know what it's like to be a good Chorus student - what frame of reference do they have? I am the one who should be teaching them these basic fundamental things, but I find myself NOT doing that! It's like I just expect them to know what to do and when they don't, I just get frustrated and negative. I wish I could find the balance between making my rehearsals fun while still creating a true learning environment.

I know the best answer for me is to stop making excuses and to teach the way I want to. Sure, I don't see them a lot, but that doesn't mean I can't come up with routines to get us warmed up and make them think about their voices. It doesn't mean I can't spend 2 minutes doing a sight-reading exercise or choose one less song to do in the concert. I know that in the long run, it is way better to take the time to teach them how to read music and how to sing correctly.

I'm also in a school where I have a lot of freedom to do what I like with the choral program. So theoretically I could audition all my singers and only take the ones who I know will take it seriously - even in 5th grade. But is that right? Should I give all the young kids a chance, or raise the credibility of the program by adding a screening process? Will this discourage good kids from joining if they're afraid to audition, or will it "weed out" the kids that I get frustrated with?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, as usual.

Almost spring break!

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Ooooops, it has been a really long time since I posted!  Well, this is definitely worth a post. Today while searching on Google for the option to disable the infamous "DJ" button on the keyboards in my classroom, I found some hilarious comments on some random message board. I laughed so hard I cried because they are totally true and make me wonder if some of my students wrote them...

(If you don't have these delightful keyboards in your classroom, you will not find this nearly as funny as I did.  You should also consider yourself lucky.)

It's certainly wonderful to have a set of classroom keyboards, but the second they discover that DJ's all over...

Anyway, enjoy.

From the website:

"The "DJ" button on some Yamaha keyboards has to be the greatest ever button ever made ever, anywhere, on anything.

Pressing it unleashes a loud shout of "DJ!", which for some strange reason seems to infuriate music teachers. It also changes all the keys to various "DJ" sounds, including several orgasmic moans.

When our music teacher told Alan to press the DJ button until he got bored of it, I think Alan believed he had died and gone to heaven."

"The DJ button is indeed the finest thing ever put on a keyboard. Our Music lessons were a doss at the best of times, but the day we discovered the uses of the DJ button was like finding the Holy Grail.
This culminated in a couple of lads using the moaning sounds to recreate a porn soundtrack. All it really needed was the kid next to them playing a bit of 70s funk guitar, and if you shut your eyes, it'd have been perfect."

"The DJ button also infuriated our teacher. When asked to go away and write a composition, those with the new Yamaha keyboards would invariably come back with a mishmash of orgasmic moans, "DJ!" and "Dictionary" (another function). We were eventually banned from using that key."