Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Private Voice Studio

Looks like I have 3 private students for the next school year so far. I'm expecting at least 2 more. I think that will be plenty on top of full-time teaching. I like teaching privately but it can get overwhelming.

I remember when I was in college, I used to think about teaching privately full-time. Now that I'm an actual adult in the working world, I imagine that would be an interesting lifestyle. I mean people can cancel anytime, and unless you have a strict cancellation policy, that's money you just won't get. Plus, you usually have to work when other people are off, such as the evenings and weekends. I don't think I'd be cool with that, especially if I have kiddos someday.

Last year I had a really young student - a 5th grader - and I was hesitant at first about it. I feel like a lot of my training was geared towards more "advanced" singers, plus I'd been working with high school students for the last 5 years. But as the year went on, I realized that it's actually kinda cool to teach younger kids, because, for the most part, you get a fresh start. I like that I can teach them the basics in a way that I think will help them as they get more advanced, especially with sight-reading. This student in particular got a perfect score on her sight-reading at Solo Fest in the spring and I was super excited for her! (And for myself, of course). Younger singers don't really have a lot of preconceived notions or bad habits to deal with, and I think I'm going to enjoy teaching this age group a lot. Plus the songs are easier to play on the piano. :)

Speaking of piano, I'd like to take a moment to remind myself that I dislike despise teaching piano lessons. I know this is true because all of my piano students have been good kids. I just don't feel like I know what I'm doing and I certainly don't enjoy it. Therefore, I will stick with what I know and enjoy.

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