Monday, July 30, 2012

Well, howdy.


You may ask yourself, why did MK decide to start a blog?

Or you may not.

Regardless, I'm going to tell you.

It's partially because it's summer vacation, and despite how much I claim to love this time of year, I inevitably start to get antsy, which leads to stressing out, which leads to anxiety, etc., etc.  I know, boo hoo, you poor teachers, you don't have to work for 2 months.  But not feeling like I'm accomplishing anything important makes me feel like this inside:

I also realized that I really don't have any hobbies, or rather, any quality hobbies. For instance, when I have time to myself, I tend to either go shopping, play on my phone, or eat. And while those are fun temporarily, they rarely bring me any sense of accomplishment.   So I figured, let's get some hobbies. I've started gardening, reading, re-kindling my love of exercising, and boom, I also started this blog.

This isn't my first blog, but it's the first one I've made that actually has a purpose other than just me blowing off steam or complaining about something.

I've been teaching for 6 years now (WHAT?!). The first few years of my career, I kinda went...crazy. I spent a zillion hours a week at school, started new ensembles, bonded with my students...typical young teacher with a zillion ideas (and talented kids to work with as well.) :)

Then after awhile, I realized that I was starting to get burned out.  My mentality started to become, "It's just a job and this isn't your life.  Just put it away when you go home and go live your 'real' life."

Which in some ways is true. Your job shouldn't be your life.


...when I'm happy at work, I'm happy overall.

Even though it's "just your job", don't they say that you spend like 4907294% of your life at work, or something like that? So wouldn't it be sad to just sort of "get by" when you have the opportunity to make something great?

Now, I'm also lucky.  My life is music.  Something that I love and can do well. Not everyone gets to spend their time doing something that actually interests, excites and challenges them at the same time.


I'm hoping to use this blog to reflect on my life as a teacher. Some days are great, some days are not, and I think it's healthy to reflect and learn from your successes and not-as-successful-successes.  I tend to doubt myself way too much, and am constantly worried about what others think of me.  I'm really hoping to try to change these things about myself, and the best way to do that is to have confidence - to find what works for me as a teacher and go with it.

It would also be great to get some feedback and chat going with some of my other teacher friends. :)

If you made it this far through the post, thanks!  I really hope that I can keep up with this throughout the school year, even as it gets crazy.

Leave a comment if you'd like. This page will keep growing. I'm hoping to put up some cool links a.k.a. stuff that I've pinned on Pinterest and other things that are great for teaching!

Thanks again. :)

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